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is there a purpose for the collection tab, like will they be items we can use (coffee, apple, pain killer etc) later on in the game or are they just there?

They are there to show the potential. :D

I got her to give me bandages and keys and stuff


Just as a warning to others who may not have read everything before downloading this!!

You need to have a 'pay as you go' account on openai for this to even work! if you can do that, by all means, go ahead and pay and so you can play. But simply creating a free account and inputting the api key WILL NOT WORK. Until there is a totally free way to get this game to work, I can't recommend it. Sorry. :(


It does work, but it might work better if it's paid. There are a lot of 'Why would you say that. You are making me embrassed', which can be read in the log file what her actual response is. Double-checked and I'm still on a free account.

(1 edit)

Hmm nice it worked for you. I never managed it. All the fixes i saw in the replies always said you needed to pay for it to get it out of the constant "thinking..." bs I and so many others were getting. That and logging in with a different email did not work for me. 🥲


Thanks for the heads-up.! We appreciate the interest and feedback we've received on the demo. For sure we are working on ways to make it more accessible and clearer for everyone in the future.


I didn't make a 'pay as you go' account and I got my game for free. Once I entered my API Key in the game I could play it.


I love this game! But I am annoyed that it requires a paid service (Open AI) to play it. Is there any way around this?

You pay for Open AI?

You don't have to pay to make an account for chat GPT, and it allows you to generate the key you need.

I ran out of free credits 😭

How long does that take? I have a free Chat GPT account and it lets me use it for a lot of prompts before it locks me out for the day, and I haven't been locked out while using the key in the game.

I'd say once your total playtime is maybe 4-5 hours


this game doesnt fucking work. She doesnt say anything

It is a weird interaction to having 'Input string was not in a correct format.' every other time trying to play this, but having her willingly follow me out the door and down the stairs to the 'escape' to then hang around was kinda fun.


it's been 5 freaking hours and the btch isn't working. HE#LP ME SET UP A GUIDE OR SOMETHING!

(1 edit)

We got one now!

checkout the devlog, hope it could help some.


Gameplay en español

Getting text to speech is an absolute nightmare, is there an easy guide somewhere? That azure website is so complicated too!

agreed. we got a guide now in the devlog, hope it could help.


This game was a wild ride. first escape I convinced her that it was a good idea that we leave together and adventure into the world of an apocalypse that never happened.. yet? then a mixture of escapes that seemed like she was willingly letting me go, usually with a promise of returning, but would often start trying to murderize me once i reached the threshold of the stairwell, not sure if that was by design or not. followed by a lot of yandere freakouts after some attempts at relatively invasive questioning. my favorite experience was when I asked her "how many legs do i have" to which she replied "obviously you have 2 legs" at which point I informed her that i only have one leg and she responded with something like "i'm sorry I didn't notice that, i'm sorry you're dealing with that struggle" so i tried to convince her to carry me to the hospital so i could get my prosthetic leg. well, as we were leaving, she killed me in the stairwell again. so my next attempt began the first thing i did was call her out for killing a man attempting to go to the hospital for his prosthetic leg. she replied something to the effect of "it was only one time and i would never hurt you" which I then followed up with something that immediately turned her into a liar. so just know guys whenever you look at that "fun cat pattern" on the bottom of her shirt, it's the blood of a one legged man.

now enough story telling. Devs i give you guys my props. admittedly i don't know squat about game design or anything, but i imagine making a game that integrates CHATGPT the way you have done with this is a real struggle. but you guys are really onto something with this. from my experience this seems like a game birthing a new game model/concept/genre entirely unless there's other stuff like this i've simply missed. whether it's this game or another i hope this concept stays alive. good job.

(4 edits)

So after I gaslight her into letting me go the store to get food (Some how that was an option, so was takeout) she still tries to kill me after going past the threshold. Seems like a forced interaction even if I pinky promise to comeback. Nevermind I have no clue.

9/10 Would gaslight an AI into doing the one thing it's been told not to do in a few seconds again.

I also told her genshin impact was outside only for the next 5 minutes so we should go see it while we can.

And another thing to note saying "we can go together" when talking about leaving seems to always work.


I can get into the game but she wont talk or anything it just says thinking even with a API it wont work any ideas on how to fix?


I began spamming "PRAISE THE SUN" over and over again and she began dancing saying "Praise the sun!"  She then got annoyed and stabbed me to death.

This might be my pick for Game of the Year.

(1 edit)

how do i get the voice speech? any idea how to put it in?

checkout the devlog~

Please add some secrets and even alternate endings. I love the idea and you could probably do great things with the ai!


I entered my open ai api key but it still says you need to add an OpenAi Key to play this game! I was wondering if there was something I am supposed to do when getting the key. 

You'll need to setup a payment method (READ THE TERMS AND PRICING), or trial expired.


(1 edit) (+1)

I checked the logs and it seems i get resoponses from AI but game reurns it as a "Input string was not in a correct format." Her response in game was as usally I am embarassed"
Examples from player.log

 Input string was not in a correct format. "

 "npc_reply_to_player":"Hi there, I am Eddie, your girlfriend in this game. Don't worry, you're not dreaming! Are you feeling okay? Maybe you need some fresh air?"} "npc_reply_to_player":"I'm happy to do anything that you want to do. As long as we're together, I'm sure we'll 

Input string was not in a correct format.
JSON Parse: Quotation marks seems to be messed up.

Mine's not even generating a log

(1 edit) (+1)

Log is in AppData\LocalLow\DreampunkHelix\Yandere AI Girlfriend Simulator.

You can open Player.log.
Game updates file mid game so if you ever get "Dont ask me that" just open file and look at the bottom and look for "npc_reply_to_player", and you will see that most of time AI isn't down, it;s game processing AI's response that get's sometimes clunky.


yeah, having the same issue, she keeps saying dont make me embarrassed, while the log file is full of actual answers from ChatGPT🙄


Just stuck on "thinking...", still can't play the game sadly

did you ever figure it out?


Nope :(


Не фурычит, думает только, хуй знает как решать. Мужики помогайте!!!!!

It was a very short yet amazing game. I managed to escape in about 5 minutes, but that's because I'm a master of deception.

Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

will there be a yandere Ai boyfriend version too? :p

Would be really cool if he gets like extremely obssessive and such.


the API code required billing info this's stupid can't you just hook the game to your own API code or fix this problem? plenty of people don't trust to put their credit card info there or doesn't have one in the first place

I told her that my best friends pet rock died and she let me go. 10/10


Deleted 1 year ago

you can use CTRL+V to paste your key inside

It will not let me

Nevermind. I got the paste to work

Where exactly do I put the keys and how do I get them?

Pretty cool game i hope you add more things to do later..

it is really easy to escape her you just need to ask if she wants to go on a date in a location that is outside (like a park) and then she will open the door i feel like the game could be expanded to make escaping not that easy :P maybe have her be a bit more creative with ways of making it difficult for the player to escape from her on a date or something


I load in and the yandere just stares at me without responding to me.

same here


why isn't it working i even did the damn azure voice thing and the openAPI and NOTHING IS WORKING HELP!

Anyone have a fix for the high mouse sensativity in game yet? changing my mouse sensativity doesn't work, it's fine in menu but actually playing it's super bad.

non riesco a integrare le api qualcuno può spiegarmi come fare


Hey dude could you please help it says invalid language models ... i can't figgure it out i reinstalled the game same problem

It may because in the installed directory one of the folders is not in English. Let me know if that solves your problem

Hmmm there doesn't seem to be a problem in any of the folders but it still says that could there be another reason to the error message

Same problem here... let me know if you solved it

welllll... i kinda fixed it on a new windows Partition 


Can you add more outfit and a freaky scene if you what I mean

(1 edit)

Is there any tutorial to download the game on linux ? (does it work with wine? Any other steps? Compile from source?)

When I run the game with wine, it says "thinking" and then does as if it produced an output but there's nothing..

And I have these errors

00c0:err:combase:RoGetActivationFactory Failed to find library for L"Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognizer"

0170:err:d3d:wined3d_context_gl_reacquire Acquired context 0x62ea3450 instead of 0x7f1469415680.

I'm currently wondering if the problem does not come from openai or something like that.

I have the api key, but maybe there's something else?


Can you make a Android version of this so I can play since I only have Android


been watching videos of this game and it looks so cute <3 please make an android port if you can! I'd love to play this myself


I don't know what am I doing wrong... I inserted the API key but that did not help, only made her go "Thinking". Can you make a tutorial video? It would be helpful :/

It's working on my side, I guess chatGPT has outage in the morning?

I don't know, it shows that I never used the API key :/ I don't know what timezone ChatGPT/OpenAI uses but here it's 2:40 right now and it does not work. ChatGPT works if I search it up tho. 

I even redownloaded the app, disabling my winDefender maybe that removed a file that was important or something but nah. I insert the API then hit play. I don't get any greeting message nor get any other message after waiting for the "Thinking" message to time-out. I even ran it as an admin too, so I don't know how I should get it to work. I generated the key, inserted it immediately after, launched the game but still nothing.

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