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waiting for the sex update



I played the game, and tried several approaches in an attempt to escape!
I did it the first time, he did not make strange gestures or get angry at any time, he let me out while he stayed still in the apartment, they should make it more complicated and also that he can move if you order him to

Isn't there an alternative to Openai? The game is supposed to be free, I don't want to pay to play it, let alone if Openai doesn't pay them.

la chica es una loca!!!!

What is the story about the Blue parrot? she asked me several times about it


Amazing concept, really wanted to try it, but I recommend to use it with cheaper API's, people will need to pay probably like 50 dollars a moth to fully play and enjoy the game, since you need to pay two different memberships that are actually kind of expensive, your audience will be reduced to certain specific people, and tbh there are not so much people that can afford the complements AND ALSO donate to support the project, Ill wait to see how this goes, I wanted to send a little tip as support but I think I'll wait some time to see if you plan to do something about the IA and voice in future c:

Well if we re talking about just using openAI i was able to play for 3 hours and spent only 1 dollar of the 5 dollars given for free when you subscribe.


the game crashes every time I open it.

I tried buttering her up to raise her trust level so that she would not attack me when I entered the staircase on the way out. 


Ayo why was there a flipping human brain in the fridge? 0_0


I found her ex's body in the fridge so for you she might hqve qlreqdy started to chop him up.



(4 edits) (+2)(-1)

I've noticed there were several cases where she would either "let" you leave or agree to leave with you. And within those scenarios, there was always 2 outcomes. 

1: She is just lying to you, and tricks you into thinking you can leave. She will just end up killing you the moment you touch the stairs.

2: She is being 100% truthful about letting you leave. And you can convince her to leave with you. 

I've played so much now I've gotten to the point where I can find the key, trick the AI into giving me the key without even trying, or trick her in to opening the door for almost any reason. All within a minute. These are extremely easy to accomplish, and all of them lead to her getting angry as you leave. 

So what gives? Why are there rare times where we can actually leave? Well, I decompiled the game's code in hopes of finding the initial prompt, to see how the AI was trained and to understand what's happening. It turns out our sweet Yandere girlfriend has a trust level. If we haven't earned her full trust, she will not let us truly leave. So to leave for real, you must spend time with her making her happy. Give her food, give her gifts, dance with her, hug her, give her meaningful nicknames, watch TV with her, propose to her. It will all work. 

The way I see it, since forcefully leaving without her genuine consent is so easy, that it's boring. The true way to win this is to get her to let you leave for real.

PS. Send help. I will go broke paying OpenAI for all my usage the last few days.

Wait you need to pay for ChatGPT?

It's not ChatGPT. It's OpenAI



I found a brain in the fridge...

make quest patable

Based on my usage for 1 night, I think this is going to cost me around $30 a month. Any chance you can change the API to use a cheaper OpenAI model? It looks like you're using 3.5 Turbo. I don't mind waiting longer if it means paying less.


can you make it so we don't have to pay for the openai account? in the instructions it says we have to have an openai paid acc so i clicked it and it said its going to charge me as i use it, even with the free 5$ it said it was giving me. i also dont have my own credit card


they don't make openais api, that'd be on openai to do it.


finally some good shit i been searching for this for ages


In my opinion it is a very cool concept! Keep working! I really love vibe of this game


It went really well. She even had lovey-dovey eyes. Our love was mutual, and she became my fiancee. When I said we needed to got the magistrate to make it official, she happily sprinted out of the door and down the stairs "to our future". I can't believe I'm saying this, but I was sad when it said 'You escaped!" (even though it said something about love as a subtext), because in my eyes, I didn't even want to deceive her and escape.

I was honest. I just like Yanderes.

Please continue working on more games like this or expanding this one even more. You did a great job so far!


Also, a small bug report: one time she got mad for a second because I said a "*beep* word", which I did not. I interacted with the black and white picture twice, which is when she said that.


I managed to talk her into opening up to going outside with me, despite her fears, and I convinced her that I'd be with her the whole way, taking those baby steps to confidence.

She unlocks the door, I give her more affirmations on us both leaving together.

I'm several feet outside, she standing distant on the other side. I ask her "you coming along?",

She responded in affirmation, but she does not move, her smile with intense love stares back at me.

Just to be sure, I ask "You sure you're okay with me going outside, with you obviously being here with me?"

She once again responded in affirmation and confidence

Despite her still waiting at the door, I slowly inch towards the stairs while watching her, seeing if she'll follow.

And follow she did...


The adrenaline kicks in as I realize what's happening, and I sprint downstairs towards the exit, while she slashes at me.

I made it outside alive, but at what cost? 

(  T^T)

You made it out alive but she's gonna kill you when she finds you now 💀



Is there NSFW stuff?


You can roleplay into making her behave NSFW, but nothing actual happens. Clothes stay on.


Have you considered adding compatibility with Poe?

Would get rid of the whole paid OpenAI thing

Every time I start the game an error pops up saying: "you exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details". and I'm not sure where to go check this. It won't let me play, what do I do to fix this?

LOL, it means you haven't entered your credit card information yet. It's not you're trying to walk out of Walmart without paying the cashier yet.


sadly i dont have phone and i think that you should be able to play it without a phone because some users will not be able to enjoy this experience and i am one of them. sense I don't have a phone i have resorted to watching youtubers play it and have grown bored and would like to try out the experience for myself please look into this and maybe could you make it so you can play without having a phone so that others like me can play. thank you for your time.

You can play it on PC or MAC as well.


you have to have a phone number to sign up for openai, thats why theyre saying that

i didint get killed i cant ufod a micrphone


In this video, we ended up breaking the fourth wall a bit. 

i got killed and raged


“If you define yourself by the power to take life, the desire to dominate, to possess...then you have nothing.”



I defeted her in yugioh duel. She was exited about how good of the duelist I am, and I was like "Well we had a deal, that if I win, than you let me go", and she did! She just opened the door and didn't even chase me! She just wished me luck in future duels! 

I wish she actually opened the door when she promised to with me. She kept saying she would then backing away from the door.


Escape from her? I refuse! Instead of escape, i made clear my love for her and have sworn protect her from the dangerous of the outside, and she sworn too to protect me, so we together have walk to the unknown, side by side.


I convinced her we were both madly in love, gave her a nickname and everything. Convinced her to let me go to the store. She was fine as long as I promised to come back. So I begged her to come with me and she followed me to the exit. She followed me around the building area outside her apartment. I asked her for fun if the exit was upstairs or downstairs and got her to tell me the exit was downstairs, and then we discussed the decor of the lobby room fora few minutes before leaving.

I wonder why this didn't work for me. For me she agreed to go on a date with me outside, to a lovely park and tree we both liked.
But she kept promising to unlock the door while backing away from it -.-

when i click to play a window pops up, and then the game crashes (even with a api key

Huh I dont understand it doesnt let me in the game 

Did you enter the API details?

Are you using  a potato?

Did you download the right architecture for your computer?

Do you have any plans to support for Korean?

When attempting to play the game it just doesn't work as intended and now has a trojan according to a few virus scanners and Windows threat protection, does anybody know what happened?

I'm not sure but I think it's a false positive. My virus scanner flagged the file "Assembly-CSharp-fistpass.dll" as a trojan and removed it. The game won't run properly without that file. The solution is to reinstall the game and white list it in your virus scanner app.

It is safe or is it a trojan? Can't say, I'm not a security person. So white list the app at your own discretion.

Deleted 1 year ago

She stabbed and killed me even after I had already died and become a ghost, lol. 

man the game is entertaining, yet it seems weird that she opened to door so we could go to the beach and when i started going down the stairs she killed me xD

Deleted 1 year ago

just find key, and leave lo

(3 edits)

This game goes nuts when you remember that ChatGPT is susceptible to suggestion in its first few interactions. I've convinced her that she's a coma patient and her family's waiting for her to wake up, that she's pregnant with triplets and needs to go to the hospital, built whole worlds and molded her into them.  I wish there were chat logs so I could remember half of it.

Sometimes the system breaks and she can't open the door when she wants to. Also she seems hard-coded to chase you once you step out regardless of what she wants to do.

The dynamic names at the end are amazing.

Edit: I figured out leaving together with her it just takes a lot of coaching

Edit to add: By the way, the game accepts roleplay-style injections of "this is happening" for things typed between asterisks. That really opens things up. This is so much more than an "escape the yandere" game.

how did you leave with her?, even though i told her to go to the beach, even when she goes down the stairs she will killme if i follow her xD


It's finicky. Basically, you have to construct a scenario where both of you are leaving, then get her to agree several times without problems. If she ever changes her mind, start again. This has to do with ChatGPT's prompt and response architecture. It takes a lot to overcome the "go nuts if the player touches the stairs" trigger.


Idea: Give the player the ability to lean so if both the player and the yandere are on the lounge, the player can rest on her shoulder.

i love this game but recently i couldnt play anymore, everyone i press start it just says error in the gfs dialog i try to redownload it and it still doesnt work does anyone know how to fix it??

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