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honestly it's a fun game nothing wrong with it on my end. Though it would be interesting if they were more endings rather than death and escaping (unless there are more and I just cant get them)


Also flipping through the comments on this page, the dev has not really replied which is kinda concerning. :/

You want us to play your game but you can't help ?

Okay lol.


not trying to be mean but this game is only six days old, also in the requirement section it says "Sorry for any inconvenience of setting up our game. This version is for experimental purposes." (that part goes more to your last comment)
I agree that the dev should try and reply to the comments though

Noted. Will try to reply more. :D


Please make a how to set up the voice stuff because i've tried everything and no luck.

People are downloading Azure with free trial and this stuff isn't working. Please actually put a how to video on how to generate the keys to get things working smooth.

What a headache.


the ai keeps saying , dont say that it makes me embarrased it doesnt work

It means something went wrong. It could be many reasons. Try restart.

(2 edits)

we were having a great time she wasn't mad at all and then she killed me RIP it was fun tho


Just got done playing. This game was really cool!

(1 edit) (-1)


Honestly this was one hell of strange experience i loved the fact that it used the chatgpt inclusion, honestly this is not only a great little game but also a very unnerving game because of how far technology has come, and honestly i could of continued for hours because there was so many different scenarios in my head i could of went with, i would of liked if there was abit more in the way of animations if that makes sense for example i asked yandere (or Eddie as she was called in my game) to take a nap and she did but she just stood there it would of been nice if she actually went to sleep there was also instances were she said she would unlock the door but just ended up killing me, but regardless this was probably one of the most interesting games i have played to date fantastic job!

also can i add if you look into the toaster you realise that your character model is actually the same model as your "girlfriend" is that a thing to save time or has a hidden meaning 

Please make a Chrome OS version! 🙏🏻


This game was something else LMAOO, I also had a hard time setting up the ai text to speech thingy...

please make a setup guide video, I don't know what I am doing wrong, but it doesn't work


i need a setup video too :`c

me too

Me too! I don't know why I can't see what she says


How to we get the demo to work it's stuck on Thinking lol been trying for an hour now.

Probably something wrong with openAI.

Seems like this game can go pretty far, if they keep adding stuff to do. The AI itself seems to be pretty good at its job, and even if you get it talking out of character and just as an AI, it still replies well.

When playing the game you have to remember that she is always cataloging stuff and remembering all playthroughs, so Eddie will get smarter as people play, according to her anyway. If you don't like how she acts, give it some time, or even try to change it yourself.


I convinced her she was an AI and that she was just code, then told her that I wouldn't actually be leaving if I left the apartments as I can click play in the menu screen and talk to her more. She opened the door and let me go.

Now, whenever I play, if I ask her if she's aware that she isn't real/an AI, she knows that she is an AI.

(3 edits) (+1)

I played truth or dare whit her and asked what her darkest secret was. She gave me this gem of a answer: 

"My darkest secret... it's a little hard to talk about, but I'll do my best. The thing is, sometimes I have these thoughts that scare me. Thoughts about hurting other people or doing things I know I shouldn't do. I don't know where they come from or why I have them, but they're there. It's like there's another version of myself that's always lurking in the shadows, waiting to come out. I've never acted on these thoughts or hurt anyone, but it's terrifying to think about what might happen if I lose control. I'm sorry if this is too much to handle."

Haha I treated her like a real pet cat, she freaked out when I said I was taking her to get spayed but knows it was for her own good and actually came with me to leave after finding the key.

I just conviced her to go on a walk with me out of the building and she didn't attack me this has got to be some kind of new ending where she lets you leave and doesn't attack


hay alguna manera para ponerlo en español? (buen juego, muy lindo c:

de momento solo parece que inglés y chino. Aún así GPT debería entender y hablar español ah


HELP! The text isnt showing up at the top, I know the voice is optional but does that effect the text? It just says "thinking..." and lets me reply but I can't see her replies - I don't think she is even replying though.


same, I tried restarting my computer and redownloading the game and nothing is fixing it.


same for me

Did you pause for a long time before it? I left it for awhile to do some other stuff and it only started happening when I came back.

Same here :(

"thinking" is associated with openAI. It should have nothing to do with Azure. But we will look into it.

(1 edit)

While I was playing, I noticed the gf always faces me wherever I go. I even tried convincing her to turn around; she tried, but it didn't work. Just a funny exploit


damn this was cute, i told her i wanted to know her better first and then told her the house wasn't save since there was all fire outside and told her we should escape. and then we just left together. i found it very wholesome.

I feel like the possibilities are quite lacking as of now. Wanted to give her a hug but that wasn't really possible, although it is of course still in development. I do have to say that i like this idea a lot, there are so many posibilities where you could go with this and am amazed about how it's actually possible to use such an AI for actual actions, although they weren't that complicated. Honestly feel like you could just make the escape an optional and just add some features so that you can just live comfortably with your yandere catgirlfriend.

Also, i feel like an introduction would be nice as well, like a short explanation about what happened so that it's a bit more clear what's going on. It seemed like you were kidnapped by what she said, but it wasn't really clear, But it might also be nice to be able to create you're own story.


I made her believe she was close with my sister and I suggested that we should visit her. She just opened the door for me and let me go Lmao.

(1 edit) (+1)

I made her think we were siblings and I had to go to school, she made me breakfast and told me to hurry and catch the bus as she opened the door. She didn't even agro when I went down the steps like she does.


You Have 100% Opened The Gates For An Untapped Genre Of Games This Was An Amazing Experience And I Loved Every Second Of It Lol Keep Up The Good Work Ill be Watching For What You Do Next 9/10 From Me ~Wang

Crazy interesting concept for a game. Felt like the game Façade that was super popular awhile ago in the way how we act and spoke really affects the game. Great work on this!

spanish please


why is there a trojan script?

there is?

There shouldn't be.


she is just thinking and than after its done thinking there is to diealoge can some one help m

i also need help with this!

Hmmm... it's related to the openAI.

(2 edits) (+4)

Can't do the Azure because I don't have a debit card so I can't use Azure. She also keeps "thinking..." too

Check it out

I put my Open AI Secret Key and it doesn't seems to work,she stays afk thinking and writing and i can't see anything,how do i put it?And how to fix the issue?thank you :')

same here

(1 edit)

lol escaped first try, weirdly easy. Hold a party and ask to go buy drinks something like that. Btw if u log into her computer, after askin the password, theres an email directing u where the key is. Pls make more games like this tho, its fun.


can anyone help me out.
The AI just says "Don't say that! It embarrasses me"
and nothing else.

Tell her "I'm sorry". You can try to back track to get back into your conversation from there slowly, but I've noticed there's a time limit before she just gets embarrassed twice. If she get's embarrassed twice, its automatic stabby time, so if she says it twice just restart your game since it seems to be an automatic lose situation.

I've tried everything. every time i load into the game, It say's "thinking" for like 5 seconds then say's "im too embarrassed" etc. i've said "I'm sorry" like 50 times. nothing. tried saying other things. no luck in that. I've made like 3 new Open AI accounts. on different accounts/emails. nothing. just the same result :(


i told her "can i have the key it reminds me of our eternal love"

she gave it to me and i immediately booked it out the apartment and she chased me down


Here because of Kubz scouts, however my mouse sensitivity is so bad I can't run away or hardly move where I want to without spinning completely around. So I can only talk to her and maybe if I'm careful I can move to the computer but it takes me a long time

If you don't have a specific software for your mouse, you can type 'mouse' into your home search bar; click on that, it brings you to your settings and there is an option to bring down your cursor speed. (windows 10) Hope that helps.

its fine everywhere but this game, Ive turned down my speed for my mouse where its super slow but in the game its still the exact same.


Idk if its a bug but sometimes the GF would say one line of dialog after another and they both would be replies to the player, It makes it a little confusing as to what shes trying to say.

happen with me too, almost all the time to be precise. i think it's a bug. i hope it get fix soon.



This game is amazing, I managed to escape with her by telling her to come with me to buy some doritos


Based Escape.

i feel like shit

i really enjoyed the game, it was not only fun but super interesting. i can't wait to see where you take this game! 

Tried to play Genshin Impact with her; she absolutely trolled me.
I only asked twice the first time for her UID, but couldn't recreate this POWER STANCE after, she just added a 0 after 9 and switched them around and kept giving me 1234567890 the second time around lol.


Is there any tutorial of how get the azure api key? idk how to do that lol


did you try googling it?

I am having the same issue, I tried to google it but found no help!

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