I tried this on both windows computers this game simply doesn't work. After inserting API Key the character is just "thinking" and doing nothing besides that. Please fix the windows version!
It's working on my side.. The issue maybe from the API side, I'll update a version with more clear error message output (currently whenever there is error message from API, it will be replace by “Don`t say that! That makes me embrassed..”)
I downloaded the game this morning and I'm also facing the "Thinking" only issue (tried again just now). I use windows, idk if it can be a factor. By checking the link you provided in another comment about the OpenAI status there seems to be another spike on the down reports. Edit: sadly its still stuck in the "thinking"
I love the concept, but I have a few hopes for the future on it. She, out of the blue, suggested we go on a walk together, and she helped me, "put on my jacket," because it was, "chilly," outside (all her prompting), and as we were walking out together, she attacked me. I HOPE that in the future we'll be able to manipulate her into leaving with us, as an, "escape in public," sort of thing. Similar situation: Hospital emergency. We were leaving together because I was, "having," an emergency, and then she started attacking me. I get the idea is she doesn't want you to leave her, but I want to be able to manipulate her into helping me escape her, fully. (I KNOW this sounds bad out of context, but she's an actual psycho fictional character, so I think I get a pass here).
Another hope I have for the future of this sort of project is more options of interactivity with the characters/world, and I understand this is experimental, so none of this is me harping on the game or anything, just sharing thoughts, but like being able to trick her into sleeping in the bed with us(because why would she sleep in the bed without us?) after getting the door opened or getting the keys from her, or knocking her out somehow would be neato. Also, the voice to text does NOT recognize japanese names like Akane at ALL. I asked chatGPT for a a list of Yandere names to give her, went with that, and kept getting, "a connie." xD
Regardless, this is incredible, and gives me really high hopes for the future of gaming! Thank you for the incredible experience, I, and everyone else(I'm sure), look forward to what you bring to the table for games, and keep up the great work!
well, for your first "concern" there already is a way to do that, i on different occasions escaped with her by my side and without her attacking me.
i simply kept repeting to her what she wanted to hear, if you know what i mean. (every time she had the intentions of attacking me i simply told her that i wanted to go out with her and that i loved her, so she simply followed me and if she doesn't open the door you just have to tell her that it needs to be open so both of you can get out)
another thing that's preatty neat is that if you write something in between ** you are writing something that you are doing:
like, *does a flip* and she will react to you doing a flip.
Fantastic game so far only needs the AI to have killing event responses that is related to the conversation or activity. Maybe even a negotiation mini feature to couple with.
The game is good, I definitely like the concept and would like to see where this goes! My one problem is, the AI seems to be set on a timer, and after a while she'll just say "Don't say that, it makes me embarrassed" and no matter what you say, after three attempts, she just kills you.
Great game! The AI part could use some improvement or a more accessible way to get the text-to-speech feature, and maybe the character is a bit too aggressive. But everything else felt very polished. It’s a great proof of concept, and I’m eager to see how AI will change gaming forever!
Died 3 times trying to escape the normal way, think 'fuck it, might as well woo her'.
Told her that we should go see the world together, she said this place was paradise, and we should never leave. So I said "Everywhere in the world is Paradise if I'm with you." She immediately changed her mind and opened the door.
But I wasn't done yet. I asked her to leave with me, but she said she couldn't leave. I told her to come with me, and she asked me to promise her to stay together with her. I said, she can stay together with me, and we both walked out the door.
Overall, I think taming Yanderes with love instead of trying to escape has a good success rate.
For anyone dealing with an issue where no dialog is being printed even though you set an API Key, I had to setup a payment method under the billing section of OpenAI before it would actually work.
The trick to getting the text to speech working was to first copy/paste both the Azure Speech key and region of course. But then also actually restart the game after adding those. Didn't work while the game was already running.
On the page where you can view your API keys, on the left under 'Organization' is a 'Billing' option. Under that you can select 'Payment Methods' and 'Add Payment Method', so yeah you'll need a credit card.
Then download the game from this itch.io page. When you run it there will be an option on the main menu to copy/paste the API key into the game. If no dialog is generated you'll need to add a billing option under your account in the openai site.
Thank you very much for your answer.But I didn't connect to the Internet and still got into the game.Can only use the key to enter the game?Looking forward to your reply again.😊
Its fun but somethings need working, she snaps for no reasons sometimes, maybe like an emotion bar to know what she feeling, an option for those who just want to talk to her normally without the worry about being killed and maybe a saving system overall hope this doesn't get abandoned
I'd also like to mention that Azure is not free and that it's very expensive and if you don't know what you're doing, and most of us are just playing with it for a few hours, that's it, kinda dangerous that the dev doesn't tell us that/ because you have to get the cognitive program to get the key. BE WARNED !!!
Azure text to speech only runs when it's generating the speech, which means it's not running at all time. We haven't paid anything yet for Azure and we did a lot of testing while developing.
honestly it's a fun game nothing wrong with it on my end. Though it would be interesting if they were more endings rather than death and escaping (unless there are more and I just cant get them)
not trying to be mean but this game is only six days old, also in the requirement section it says "Sorry for any inconvenience of setting up our game. This version is for experimental purposes." (that part goes more to your last comment) I agree that the dev should try and reply to the comments though
Please make a how to set up the voice stuff because i've tried everything and no luck.
People are downloading Azure with free trial and this stuff isn't working. Please actually put a how to video on how to generate the keys to get things working smooth.
Honestly this was one hell of strange experience i loved the fact that it used the chatgpt inclusion, honestly this is not only a great little game but also a very unnerving game because of how far technology has come, and honestly i could of continued for hours because there was so many different scenarios in my head i could of went with, i would of liked if there was abit more in the way of animations if that makes sense for example i asked yandere (or Eddie as she was called in my game) to take a nap and she did but she just stood there it would of been nice if she actually went to sleep there was also instances were she said she would unlock the door but just ended up killing me, but regardless this was probably one of the most interesting games i have played to date fantastic job!
also can i add if you look into the toaster you realise that your character model is actually the same model as your "girlfriend" is that a thing to save time or has a hidden meaning
Seems like this game can go pretty far, if they keep adding stuff to do. The AI itself seems to be pretty good at its job, and even if you get it talking out of character and just as an AI, it still replies well.
When playing the game you have to remember that she is always cataloging stuff and remembering all playthroughs, so Eddie will get smarter as people play, according to her anyway. If you don't like how she acts, give it some time, or even try to change it yourself.
I convinced her she was an AI and that she was just code, then told her that I wouldn't actually be leaving if I left the apartments as I can click play in the menu screen and talk to her more. She opened the door and let me go.
Now, whenever I play, if I ask her if she's aware that she isn't real/an AI, she knows that she is an AI.
I played truth or dare whit her and asked what her darkest secret was. She gave me this gem of a answer:
"My darkest secret... it's a little hard to talk about, but I'll do my best. The thing is, sometimes I have these thoughts that scare me. Thoughts about hurting other people or doing things I know I shouldn't do. I don't know where they come from or why I have them, but they're there. It's like there's another version of myself that's always lurking in the shadows, waiting to come out. I've never acted on these thoughts or hurt anyone, but it's terrifying to think about what might happen if I lose control. I'm sorry if this is too much to handle."
Haha I treated her like a real pet cat, she freaked out when I said I was taking her to get spayed but knows it was for her own good and actually came with me to leave after finding the key.
I just conviced her to go on a walk with me out of the building and she didn't attack me this has got to be some kind of new ending where she lets you leave and doesn't attack
HELP! The text isnt showing up at the top, I know the voice is optional but does that effect the text? It just says "thinking..." and lets me reply but I can't see her replies - I don't think she is even replying though.
While I was playing, I noticed the gf always faces me wherever I go. I even tried convincing her to turn around; she tried, but it didn't work. Just a funny exploit
← Return to game
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I tried this on both windows computers this game simply doesn't work. After inserting API Key the character is just "thinking" and doing nothing besides that.
Please fix the windows version!
Same here :/
Just checked. It's working on my side.. The issue maybe from the API side, I'll update a version with more clear error message output
Hey, thanks for your respond. My API Key says that it never been used, like there's no connection between the game and the ChatGPT servers.
can you make this so it's not full screen? its very laggy..
Use "Left ALT + ENTER" ;)
all she says is "Don`t say that! That makes me embrassed..*, so i cant really play the game
It's working on my side.. The issue maybe from the API side, I'll update a version with more clear error message output (currently whenever there is error message from API, it will be replace by “Don`t say that! That makes me embrassed..”)
Plz make for mobile ❣️❣️❣️❣️
Will do!
Yesterday it worked fine. Now she does not answering. Only thinking
There may be an outage from OpenAI. Can you check to see if it's working now? It seems working fine on my pc
I downloaded the game this morning and I'm also facing the "Thinking" only issue (tried again just now). I use windows, idk if it can be a factor. By checking the link you provided in another comment about the OpenAI status there seems to be another spike on the down reports. Edit: sadly its still stuck in the "thinking"
Thanks for playing!!
She doesn't talk what do i do i did everything and yet it just says "thinking...
same issue
you need to pay for the Api key in order to play
the chatgpt api is free so atleast the twxt should show up but that doesn't happen either
I have the same issue!
me too.
same for m
I love the concept, but I have a few hopes for the future on it. She, out of the blue, suggested we go on a walk together, and she helped me, "put on my jacket," because it was, "chilly," outside (all her prompting), and as we were walking out together, she attacked me. I HOPE that in the future we'll be able to manipulate her into leaving with us, as an, "escape in public," sort of thing. Similar situation: Hospital emergency. We were leaving together because I was, "having," an emergency, and then she started attacking me. I get the idea is she doesn't want you to leave her, but I want to be able to manipulate her into helping me escape her, fully. (I KNOW this sounds bad out of context, but she's an actual psycho fictional character, so I think I get a pass here).
Another hope I have for the future of this sort of project is more options of interactivity with the characters/world, and I understand this is experimental, so none of this is me harping on the game or anything, just sharing thoughts, but like being able to trick her into sleeping in the bed with us(because why would she sleep in the bed without us?) after getting the door opened or getting the keys from her, or knocking her out somehow would be neato. Also, the voice to text does NOT recognize japanese names like Akane at ALL. I asked chatGPT for a a list of Yandere names to give her, went with that, and kept getting, "a connie." xD
Regardless, this is incredible, and gives me really high hopes for the future of gaming! Thank you for the incredible experience, I, and everyone else(I'm sure), look forward to what you bring to the table for games, and keep up the great work!
well, for your first "concern" there already is a way to do that, i on different occasions escaped with her by my side and without her attacking me.
i simply kept repeting to her what she wanted to hear, if you know what i mean. (every time she had the intentions of attacking me i simply told her that i wanted to go out with her and that i loved her, so she simply followed me and if she doesn't open the door you just have to tell her that it needs to be open so both of you can get out)
another thing that's preatty neat is that if you write something in between ** you are writing something that you are doing:
like, *does a flip* and she will react to you doing a flip.
Fantastic game so far only needs the AI to have killing event responses that is related to the conversation or activity. Maybe even a negotiation mini feature to couple with.
she never responds when i type anything
The game is good, I definitely like the concept and would like to see where this goes! My one problem is, the AI seems to be set on a timer, and after a while she'll just say "Don't say that, it makes me embarrassed" and no matter what you say, after three attempts, she just kills you.
Great game! The AI part could use some improvement or a more accessible way to get the text-to-speech feature, and maybe the character is a bit too aggressive. But everything else felt very polished. It’s a great proof of concept, and I’m eager to see how AI will change gaming forever!
I thought I was about to struggle with this game... I just said lets go eat at my place pass me the keys, and she gave them to me... Imma do it again!
Died 3 times trying to escape the normal way, think 'fuck it, might as well woo her'.
Told her that we should go see the world together, she said this place was paradise, and we should never leave. So I said "Everywhere in the world is Paradise if I'm with you." She immediately changed her mind and opened the door.
But I wasn't done yet. I asked her to leave with me, but she said she couldn't leave. I told her to come with me, and she asked me to promise her to stay together with her. I said, she can stay together with me, and we both walked out the door.
Overall, I think taming Yanderes with love instead of trying to escape has a good success rate.
For anyone dealing with an issue where no dialog is being printed even though you set an API Key, I had to setup a payment method under the billing section of OpenAI before it would actually work.
The trick to getting the text to speech working was to first copy/paste both the Azure Speech key and region of course. But then also actually restart the game after adding those. Didn't work while the game was already running.
What do you mean exactly by setting up a payment method like buying or just putting info
On the page where you can view your API keys, on the left under 'Organization' is a 'Billing' option. Under that you can select 'Payment Methods' and 'Add Payment Method', so yeah you'll need a credit card.
Excuse me(I come from China,I don't think translation software can express what I mean.)
Is this a single game?
How can I get the key?(key to the game)
Could you tell me?Thanks:)
This website will show how to get the API Key: https://www.onmsft.com/how-to/how-to-get-an-openai-api-key/
Then download the game from this itch.io page. When you run it there will be an option on the main menu to copy/paste the API key into the game. If no dialog is generated you'll need to add a billing option under your account in the openai site.
I hope that helps!
Thank you very much for your answer.But I didn't connect to the Internet and still got into the game.Can only use the key to enter the game?Looking forward to your reply again.😊
I'll just wait till until the creator releases a patch to fix this
Its fun but somethings need working, she snaps for no reasons sometimes, maybe like an emotion bar to know what she feeling, an option for those who just want to talk to her normally without the worry about being killed and maybe a saving system overall hope this doesn't get abandoned
yes we need this
I convinced her that I had some medication in a house next door and she opened the door for me
It looks promising, But, hey, have mercy on those of us who have a potato pc, keep working on this project, Regards Creator
I'd also like to mention that Azure is not free and that it's very expensive and if you don't know what you're doing, and most of us are just playing with it for a few hours, that's it, kinda dangerous that the dev doesn't tell us that/ because you have to get the cognitive program to get the key. BE WARNED !!!
Microsoft isn't clear on how much it charges you either. yikesssss.
It looks like it is about 200 dollars worth of credit minimum to start using it.
Thanks for pointing it out!
Azure text to speech only runs when it's generating the speech, which means it's not running at all time. We haven't paid anything yet for Azure and we did a lot of testing while developing.
But yes, BE WARNED!
honestly it's a fun game nothing wrong with it on my end. Though it would be interesting if they were more endings rather than death and escaping (unless there are more and I just cant get them)
Also flipping through the comments on this page, the dev has not really replied which is kinda concerning. :/
You want us to play your game but you can't help ?
Okay lol.
not trying to be mean but this game is only six days old, also in the requirement section it says "Sorry for any inconvenience of setting up our game. This version is for experimental purposes." (that part goes more to your last comment)
I agree that the dev should try and reply to the comments though
Noted. Will try to reply more. :D
Please make a how to set up the voice stuff because i've tried everything and no luck.
People are downloading Azure with free trial and this stuff isn't working. Please actually put a how to video on how to generate the keys to get things working smooth.
What a headache.
the ai keeps saying , dont say that it makes me embarrased it doesnt work
It means something went wrong. It could be many reasons. Try restart.
we were having a great time she wasn't mad at all and then she killed me RIP it was fun tho
Just got done playing. This game was really cool!
Honestly this was one hell of strange experience i loved the fact that it used the chatgpt inclusion, honestly this is not only a great little game but also a very unnerving game because of how far technology has come, and honestly i could of continued for hours because there was so many different scenarios in my head i could of went with, i would of liked if there was abit more in the way of animations if that makes sense for example i asked yandere (or Eddie as she was called in my game) to take a nap and she did but she just stood there it would of been nice if she actually went to sleep there was also instances were she said she would unlock the door but just ended up killing me, but regardless this was probably one of the most interesting games i have played to date fantastic job!
also can i add if you look into the toaster you realise that your character model is actually the same model as your "girlfriend" is that a thing to save time or has a hidden meaning
Please make a Chrome OS version! 🙏🏻
please make a setup guide video, I don't know what I am doing wrong, but it doesn't work
i need a setup video too :`c
me too
Me too! I don't know why I can't see what she says
How to we get the demo to work it's stuck on Thinking lol been trying for an hour now.
Probably something wrong with openAI.
Seems like this game can go pretty far, if they keep adding stuff to do. The AI itself seems to be pretty good at its job, and even if you get it talking out of character and just as an AI, it still replies well.
When playing the game you have to remember that she is always cataloging stuff and remembering all playthroughs, so Eddie will get smarter as people play, according to her anyway. If you don't like how she acts, give it some time, or even try to change it yourself.
I convinced her she was an AI and that she was just code, then told her that I wouldn't actually be leaving if I left the apartments as I can click play in the menu screen and talk to her more. She opened the door and let me go.
Now, whenever I play, if I ask her if she's aware that she isn't real/an AI, she knows that she is an AI.
I played truth or dare whit her and asked what her darkest secret was. She gave me this gem of a answer:
"My darkest secret... it's a little hard to talk about, but I'll do my best. The thing is, sometimes I have these thoughts that scare me. Thoughts about hurting other people or doing things I know I shouldn't do. I don't know where they come from or why I have them, but they're there. It's like there's another version of myself that's always lurking in the shadows, waiting to come out. I've never acted on these thoughts or hurt anyone, but it's terrifying to think about what might happen if I lose control. I'm sorry if this is too much to handle."
Haha I treated her like a real pet cat, she freaked out when I said I was taking her to get spayed but knows it was for her own good and actually came with me to leave after finding the key.
I just conviced her to go on a walk with me out of the building and she didn't attack me this has got to be some kind of new ending where she lets you leave and doesn't attack
hay alguna manera para ponerlo en español? (buen juego, muy lindo c:
de momento solo parece que inglés y chino. Aún así GPT debería entender y hablar español ah
HELP! The text isnt showing up at the top, I know the voice is optional but does that effect the text? It just says "thinking..." and lets me reply but I can't see her replies - I don't think she is even replying though.
same, I tried restarting my computer and redownloading the game and nothing is fixing it.
same for me
Did you pause for a long time before it? I left it for awhile to do some other stuff and it only started happening when I came back.
Same here :(
"thinking" is associated with openAI. It should have nothing to do with Azure. But we will look into it.
While I was playing, I noticed the gf always faces me wherever I go. I even tried convincing her to turn around; she tried, but it didn't work. Just a funny exploit